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Holocene deglacial history of the northeast Antarctic Peninsula – A review and new chronological constraints

1 January, 2011 by Joanne Johnson, Stephen Roberts

The northeast Antarctic Peninsula (NEAP) region is currently showing signs of significant environmental change, evidenced by acceleration of glacial retreat and collapse of both Larsen-A and -B ice shelves within…

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The multi-seasonal NOy budget in coastal Antarctica and its link with surface snow and ice core nitrate: results from the CHABLIS campaign

1 January, 2011 by Anna Jones, Eric Wolff

Measurements of a suite of individual NOy components were carried out at Halley station in coastal Antarctica as part of the CHABLIS campaign (Chemistry of the Antarctic Boundary Layer and…

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Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta-the Netherlands as an example

1 January, 2011 by David Vaughan

Sea level rise, especially combined with possible changes in storm surges and increased river discharge resulting from climate change, poses a major threat in low-lying river deltas. In this study…

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South polar skuas from a single breeding population overwinter in different oceans though show similar migration patterns

1 January, 2011 by Richard Phillips

Seabirds in seasonal environments are often long-distance migrants and, for many species and populations, their ranges throughout the non-breeding period are unknown. As conditions during the non-breeding season often affect…

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Reconciling the changes in atmospheric-methane sources and sinks between the Last Glacial Maximum and the pre-industrial era

1 January, 2011 by Anna Jones, Eric Wolff, Louise Sime

We know from the ice record that the concentration of atmospheric methane, [CH4], at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was roughly half that in the pre-industrial era (PI), buthow much…

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Mineral stability in peralkaline silicic rocks: information from trachytes of the Menengai volcano, Kenya

1 January, 2011 by Philip Leat

Electron microprobe analyses are presented for phenocrysts and matrix glass in peralkaline, silica-oversaturated trachytes from the Menengai volcano, Kenya Rift Valley. The dominant phenocryst assemblage is alkali feldspar–hedenbergite–fayalite–titanomagnetite–apatite. Aenigmatite, amphibole…

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At-sea activity patterns of breeding and nonbreeding white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis from South Georgia

1 January, 2011 by Janet Silk, Richard Phillips, Vsevolod Afanasyev

Despite the recent burgeoning in predator tracking studies, few report on seabird activity patterns, despite the potential to provide important insights into foraging ecology and distribution. In the first year-round…

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Sensitivity of interglacial Greenland temperature and delta 18 O: ice core data, orbital and increased CO2 climate simulations.

1 January, 2011 by Louise Sime

The sensitivity of interglacial Greenland temperature to orbital and CO2 forcing is investigated using the NorthGRIP ice core data and coupled ocean-atmosphere IPSL-CM4 model simulations. These simulations were conducted in…

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Extended ecophysiologicalanalysis of Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni (Collembola) : flexibility in life history strategy and population response

1 January, 2011 by Peter Convey

The springtail Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni (Arthropoda: Collembola) has been the focus of extensive ecophysiological and molecular genetic work and is now arguably the most well-studied of the continental Antarctic springtails. Here,…

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Seasonal evolution of the upper-ocean adjacent to the South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean: results from a “lazy biological mooring”.

1 January, 2011 by Keith Nicholls, Michael Meredith

A serendipitous > 8-month time series of hydrographic properties was obtained from the vicinity of the South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean, by tagging a southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonine) on…

Read more on Seasonal evolution of the upper-ocean adjacent to the South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean: results from a “lazy biological mooring”.

Direct observations of nitric oxide produced by energetic electron precipitation into the Antarctic middle atmosphere

1 January, 2011 by David Newnham, David Maxfield, Mark Clilverd, Richard Horne

We report the first ground-based passive microwave observations made from Troll station, Antarctica, which show enhanced mesospheric nitric oxide (NO) volume mixing ratio reaching levels of 1.2 ppmv, or 2–3…

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A lacustrine GDGT-temperature calibration from the Scandinavian Arctic to Antarctic: Renewed potential for the application of GDGT-paleothermometry in lakes

1 January, 2011 by Stephen Roberts

Quantitative climate reconstructions are fundamental to understand long-term trends in natural climate variability and to test climate models used to predict future climate change. Recent advances in molecular geochemistry have…

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Culturable diversity of heterotrophic bacteria in Forlidas Pond (Pensacola Mountains) and Lundstrom Lake (Shackleton Range), Antarctica

1 January, 2011 by Dominic Hodgson, Peter Convey

Cultivation techniques were used to study the heterotrophic bacterial diversity in two microbial mat samples originating from the littoral zone of two continental Antarctic lakes (Forlidas Pond and Lundstrom Lake)…

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Shifts in coastal Antarctic marine microbial communities during and after melt water-related surface stratification

1 January, 2011 by Michael Meredith

Antarctic coastal waters undergo major physical alterations during summer. Increased temperatures induce sea-ice melting and glacial melt water input, leading to strong stratification of the upper water column. We investigated…

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Cold hardening induces transfer of fatty acids between polar and nonpolar lipid pools in the Arctic collembollan Megaphorura arctica

1 January, 2011 by Roger Worland, Melody Clark

Cold hardiness in the Arctic Collembola Megaphorura arctica (Tullberg), formerly Onychiurus arcticus, has been the subject of extensive studies over the last decade. This species employs an unusual strategy known…

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Contemporary and historical separation of transequatorial migration between genetically distinct seabird populations

1 January, 2011 by Richard Phillips

Pelagic seabirds are highly mobile, reducing the likelihood of allopatric speciation where disruption of gene flow between populations is caused by physically insurmountable, extrinsic barriers. Spatial segregation during the non-breeding…

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Till genesis at the bed of an Antarctic Peninsula palaeo-ice stream as indicated by micromorphological analysis

1 January, 2011 by Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Robert Larter

Sediment cores from cross-shelf troughs on the NE Antarctic Peninsula shelf recovered tills with variable shear strengths that represent different subglacial depositional regimes. In addition to detailed qualitative micromorphological descriptions,…

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Geological constraints on glacio-isostatic adjustment models of relative sea-level change during deglaciation of Prince Gustav Channel, Antarctic Peninsula

1 January, 2011 by Dominic Hodgson, Stephen Roberts

The recent disintegration of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves, and the associated accelerated discharge and retreat of continental glaciers, has highlighted the necessity of quantifying the current rate of Antarctic ice…

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How likely was a green Antarctic Peninsula during warm Pliocene interglacials? : a critical reassessment based on new palynofloras from James Ross Island

1 January, 2011

The question of whether Pliocene climate was warm enough to support a substantial vegetation cover on Antarctica is of great significance to the ongoing and controversial debate on the stability…

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Lamprophyre dikes as tectonic markers of late orogenic transtension timing and kinematics: a case study from the Central Iberian Zone

1 January, 2011

Variscan Central Iberian Zone lamprophyre dikes cut synorogenic to late orogenic peraluminous S-type granitoids marking an important shift in regional tectonic regime from earlier, 350-290 Ma, extension-related crustal melting to…

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Seabed foraging by Antarctic krill: Implications for stock assessment, bentho-pelagic coupling, and the vertical transfer of iron

1 January, 2011 by Claire Allen, Geraint Tarling, Sophie Fielding

A compilation of more than 30 studies shows that adult Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) may frequent benthic habitats year-round, in shelf as well as oceanic waters and throughout their circumpolar…

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The influence of winds, sea-surface temperature and precipitation anomalies on Antarctic regional sea-ice conditions during IPY 2007

1 January, 2011

The 2007 International Polar Year (IPY) in the Antarctic was distinguished by strong regional and seasonal ice-atmosphere-ocean anomalies associated with an overall weakening of the prevailing westerly circulation. Here we…

Read more on The influence of winds, sea-surface temperature and precipitation anomalies on Antarctic regional sea-ice conditions during IPY 2007