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Evolutionary conservation and divergence of the transcriptional regulation of bivalve shell secretion across life history stages

21 December, 2022 by Alessandro Cavallo, Lloyd Peck, Melody Clark, Victoria Sleight

Adult molluscs produce shells with diverse morphologies and ornamentations, different colour patterns and microstructures. The larval shell, however, is a phenotypically more conserved structure. How do developmental and evolutionary processes…

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West Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in the Amundsen Sea Sector since the Late Miocene—Tying IODP Expedition 379 Results to Seismic Data

21 December, 2022 by Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand

Observations of rapid ongoing grounding line retreat, ice shelf thinning and accelerated ice flow from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) may forebode a possible collapse if global temperatures continue…

Read more on West Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in the Amundsen Sea Sector since the Late Miocene—Tying IODP Expedition 379 Results to Seismic Data

Examination of Radiation Belt Dynamics during Substorm Clusters: Magnetic Local Time Variation and Intensity of Precipitating Fluxes

17 December, 2022 by Mark Clilverd

Substorms are short-lived but significant reconfigurations of the geomagnetic field during which energetic particles are injected into the inner magnetosphere close to magnetic midnight. There is currently a need to…

Read more on Examination of Radiation Belt Dynamics during Substorm Clusters: Magnetic Local Time Variation and Intensity of Precipitating Fluxes

Life History of the Arctic Squid Gonatus fabricii (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) Reconstructed by Analysis of Individual Ontogenetic Stable Isotopic Trajectories

15 December, 2022

Cephalopods are important in Arctic marine ecosystems as predators and prey, but knowledge of their life cycles is poor. Consequently, they are under-represented in the Arctic ecosystems assessment models. One…

Read more on Life History of the Arctic Squid Gonatus fabricii (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) Reconstructed by Analysis of Individual Ontogenetic Stable Isotopic Trajectories

​Rapid response to experimental warming of a microbial community inhabiting High Arctic patterned ground soil

14 December, 2022 by Elisabeth Biersma, Guy Hillyard, Kevin Newsham

The influence of climate change on microbial communities inhabiting the sparsely vegetated patterned ground soils that are widespread across the High Arctic is poorly understood. Here, in a four-year experiment…

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Ant-ICON – ‘Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation’: a new SCAR Scientific Research Programme

8 December, 2022 by Jasmine Lee, Kevin Hughes

Antarctic and Southern Ocean environments are facing increasing pressure from multiple threats. The Antarctic Treaty System regularly looks to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) for the provision of…

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Fungal and fungal-like diversity in marine sediments from the maritime Antarctic assessed using DNA metabarcoding

6 December, 2022 by Peter Convey

We assessed the fungal and fungal-like sequence diversity present in marine sediments obtained in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands (Southern Ocean) using DNA metabarcoding through high-throughput sequencing (HTS).…

Read more on Fungal and fungal-like diversity in marine sediments from the maritime Antarctic assessed using DNA metabarcoding

Does tectonic deformation control episodic continental arc magmatism? Evidence from granitic magnetic fabrics (AMS)

1 December, 2022 by Alex Burton-Johnson, Teal Riley

This paper applies magnetic fabric analyses to plutons of the East Pacific continental arc. Continental arc magmatism is strongly episodic, with voluminous granitic magma addition occurring during discrete high-flux events…

Read more on Does tectonic deformation control episodic continental arc magmatism? Evidence from granitic magnetic fabrics (AMS)

Survivors and colonizers: Contrasting biogeographic histories reconciled in the Antarctic freshwater copepod Boeckella poppei

1 December, 2022 by Elisabeth Biersma, Jennifer Jackson, Peter Convey

Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain the contemporary distribution of Antarctic terrestrial biota. We assess whether the current distribution of maritime Antarctic populations of the freshwater copepod Boeckella…

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Drainage and refill of an Antarctic Peninsula subglacial lake reveal an active subglacial hydrological network

30 November, 2022 by Dominic Hodgson, Peter Fretwell, Tom Jordan, Teal Riley

The presence of subglacial lakes and subglacial hydrological networks under the East and West Antarctic ice sheets is now relatively well understood, whilst their influence on ice dynamics is the…

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Interannual variability of the 12-hour tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere in 15 years of meteor-radar observations over Rothera (68° S, 68° W)

27 November, 2022 by Tracy Moffat-Griffin

The solar tides of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) show great variability on timescales of days to years, with significant variability at interannual timescales. However, the nature and causes…

Read more on Interannual variability of the 12-hour tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere in 15 years of meteor-radar observations over Rothera (68° S, 68° W)

Reviews and syntheses: A framework to observe, understand and project ecosystem response to environmental change in the East Antarctic Southern Ocean

23 November, 2022 by David Barnes, Huw Griffiths

Systematic long-term studies on ecosystem dynamics are largely lacking from the East Antarctic Southern Ocean, although it is well recognized that they are indispensable to identify the ecological impacts and…

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The role of individual variability on the predictive performance of machine learning applied to large bio-logging datasets

17 November, 2022 by Olivia Hicks

Animal-borne tagging (bio-logging) generates large and complex datasets. In particular, accelerometer tags, which provide information on behaviour and energy expenditure of wild animals, produce high-resolution multi-dimensional data, and can be…

Read more on The role of individual variability on the predictive performance of machine learning applied to large bio-logging datasets

Cavity ringdown studies of the E–H transition in an inductively coupled oxygen plasma: comparison of spectroscopic measurements and modelling

9 November, 2022 by Millie Bond

The absolute number density of ground state oxygen atoms, O(3P), present in a 100 mTorr oxygen plasma has been determined as a function of operating power using cavity ringdown spectroscopy…

Read more on Cavity ringdown studies of the E–H transition in an inductively coupled oxygen plasma: comparison of spectroscopic measurements and modelling

Observations of Modified Warm Deep Water beneath Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

4 November, 2022 by Keith Nicholls, Peter Davis, Pierre Dutrieux

Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS) is the world’s largest ice shelf by volume. It helps regulate Antarctica’s contribution to global sea level rise, and water mass transformations within the sub-ice-shelf cavity…

Read more on Observations of Modified Warm Deep Water beneath Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Complete distribution of the genus Laevilitorina (Littorinimorpha: Littorinidae) in the Southern Hemisphere: remarks and natural history

2 November, 2022 by Peter Convey

Littorinid snails are present in most coastal areas globally, playing a significant role in the ecology of intertidal communities. Laevilitorina is a marine gastropod genus distributed exclusively in the Southern…

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Massive circumpolar biomass of Southern Ocean zooplankton: Implications for food web structure, carbon export, and marine spatial planning

1 November, 2022 by Simeon Hill

With rapid, sector-specific climatic changes impacting the Southern Ocean, we need circumpolar-scale biomass data of its plankton taxa to improve food web models, blue carbon budgets and resource management. Here,…

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New mitogenomes in deep-water endemic Cocculinida and Neomphalida shed light on lineage-specific gene orders in major gastropod clades

18 October, 2022 by Katrin Linse

Gastropoda is the most speciose class in Mollusca, the second largest animal phylum, whose internal relationships remain largely unsettled, partly due to the insufficient data from key deep-water endemic lineages,…

Read more on New mitogenomes in deep-water endemic Cocculinida and Neomphalida shed light on lineage-specific gene orders in major gastropod clades

The Ocean Plastic Incubator Chamber (OPIC) system to monitor in situ plastic degradation at sea

15 October, 2022 by Bjorg Apeland, Clara Manno, Elisa Bergami, Peter Enderlein, Rad Sharma

Marine plastic pollution is a global and pervasive environmental issue. Knowledge on plastic degradation in natural settings is still very limited due to current technological limitations, hampering our understanding of…

Read more on The Ocean Plastic Incubator Chamber (OPIC) system to monitor in situ plastic degradation at sea

Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction

14 October, 2022 by Richard Hindmarsh, Richard Hindmarsh

The BRITICE-CHRONO consortium of researchers undertook a dating programme to constrain the timing of advance, maximum extent and retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet between 31 000 and 15 000 years before present.…

Read more on Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction

The rising threat of climate change for arthropods from Earth’s cold regions: Taxonomic rather than native status drives species sensitivity

1 October, 2022 by Peter Convey

Polar and alpine regions are changing rapidly with global climate change. Yet the impacts on biodiversity, especially on the invertebrate ectotherms which are dominant in these areas, remain poorly understood.…

Read more on The rising threat of climate change for arthropods from Earth’s cold regions: Taxonomic rather than native status drives species sensitivity

Geomagnetic disturbances that cause GICs: investigating their interhemispheric conjugacy and control by IMF orientation.

1 October, 2022 by Mervyn Freeman

Nearly all studies of impulsive geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs, also known as magnetic perturbation events MPEs) that can produce dangerous geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) have used data from the northern hemisphere.…

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Modeling the effects of drift shell splitting in two case studies of simultaneous observations of substorm-driven Pi1B and IPDP-type EMIC waves

1 October, 2022 by Mark Clilverd, Richard Horne

Intervals of Pulsations of Diminishing Periods (IPDPs) are a subtype of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) waves that can be triggered by substorm onset. Pi1B waves are Ultra Low Frequency (ULF)…

Read more on Modeling the effects of drift shell splitting in two case studies of simultaneous observations of substorm-driven Pi1B and IPDP-type EMIC waves

Determining the origin of tidal oscillations in the ionospheric transition region with EISCAT radar and global simulation data

30 September, 2022

At high-latitudes, diurnal and semidiurnal variations of temperature and neutral wind velocity can originate both in the lower atmosphere (UV or infrared absorption) or in the thermosphere-ionosphere (ion convection, EUV…

Read more on Determining the origin of tidal oscillations in the ionospheric transition region with EISCAT radar and global simulation data