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NERC’s Airborne Research Facility capability is based at British Antarctic Survey with aircraft (when in the UK) operating either from Cambridge Airport or Duxford.

NERC Airborne Research Facility
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross
Madingley Road

Tel: 01223 221660
Mobile (Science Operations Coordinator): 07919 697851

Head of Air Unit

Rod Arnold

Areas of responsibility:

  • Oversight and management of air operations.

Science and Operations Co-ordinator

Dr Gary Llewellyn

Areas of responsibility:

  • Coordinate the efficient collection of scientific data by the scheduling of that season’s list of commitments against different scientific requirements and operational restrictions.
  • Communicate requirement of the science community to the operations team and operational restrictions to the science community.
  • Publicise the NERC ARF, and its capabilities, among the science community.
  • Approve and oversee the planning, coordination of the flight schedule for each project and science campaign.
  • Approve the scientific and logistical viability of any research grant application.

Instrument Specialist

James Johnson

Areas of responsibility:

  • Approve and oversee the preliminary planning, coordination of the flight schedule and instrument fit for each project and science campaign.
  • Instrument development.
  • Consider custom instrument installations into the aircraft, evaluate and advise on new equipment/instruments reporting on feasibility of new equipment.
  • Coordinate the certification of new instrumentation and equipment on the aircraft.
  • Operation of the scientific instruments.
  • Instrument development and repair.
  • Planning, coordination of the flight schedule and instrument fit for each project and science campaign.
  • Data download, backup procedure and the quality assurance checks.
  • Coordination of the data download and backup procedure.
  • Delivery of data to the data analysis node.

NERC ARF – Data Analysis Node

Quality checks and pre-processing of data acquired by the ARSF are conducted by ARSF~Processing. If you wish to check the processing status of your data, you can do so online or you can contact ARSF~Processing.