Modernisation milestones achieved in Antarctica

10 July, 2024

Construction teams have completed significant stages of the British Antarctic Survey’s (BAS) Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme and joined the over-wintering staff for the first time as the 2023/24 summer season ended.  The improvements, led by BAM and technical advisors Ramboll will transform future science and operations at Rothera, the UK’s largest polar research station in Antarctica.

Read more on Modernisation milestones achieved in Antarctica

Antarctic Runway is upgraded to support UK hub for polar science

4 March, 2024

As part of the British Antarctic Survey’s Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme (AIMP), the runway at Rothera research station has successfully been resurfaced by construction company BAM and the design completed by Ramboll. The station is a major hub for international science in Antarctica, and this significant achievement is a pivotal moment for BAS and the UK’s future polar research capabilities.

Read more on Antarctic Runway is upgraded to support UK hub for polar science

Polar Passover

5 April, 2023 Alysa Fisher

Alysa Hulbert, is an Information Officer at British Antarctic Survey. She spent several months last year working in Antarctica, which coincided with the Jewish festival of Passover or Pesach פֶּסַח. …

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