New Faces

15 June, 2007 Halley

New Faces

The First New People Arrive At Halley

Click here to Go BackThe first arrivals to break the Winter isolation were the Russian/Canadians who came in November in the Basler DC3 aircraftThe first BAS aeroplane VPBB finally arrived in the evening just after fog rolled in. Bringing Ant, Dave, Pat, Fiona, Phil and Ben. Margaritas all round in bar to celebrate. This is the first time the BAS plane arrived before the Germans (but not the Russians/Canadians)The next day Ant takes the twin otter and collects DJ and Martin Bell from Neumayer who came in via Novo/South AfricaThis was quickly followed by the second twin otter VPFBC flown by Ian Potten with Simon Heriman the new Halley GAAnd the Germans Arrive. This year they only had one aircraft Polar 2 last year Polar 4 was damaged in a bad landing at Rothera and is unlikely to fly again.

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