Meet the team

15 March, 2004 Rothera

Winter Team 2004

By Fin O’Sullivan

I thought that I wouldn’t go on about how nice it is that winter has arrived now and that the base is much more chilled out, now it’s down to just the 23 of us. I did think that I would briefly introduce you to the winterers so that you know what and whom people are harking on about.

A quick run down on who’s who….let’s start with the big cheese…..

Steve Hinde Base Commander

Steve is a field assistant by background, and a climber by addiction. He has held nearly every single job on base over the summer. He has previously wintered at Halley as winter BC and also at Rothera.

John Withers Diving Officer and Deputy Winter BC

John is in his second winter, and is looking forward to the quiet of winter where he only has to organise 2 or 3 dives a day.

Julian Klepcki Electronics Eng/ Met

Jools is starting his first of 2 winters at Rothera. His dare devil skidoo driving is legendary on base. Not a small chap he is actually sitting down in the photo.

Adam Thornhill Met

Adam is on his second winter, and is looking forward to tucking into his bond. His container was specially requisitioned in Stanley. A stalwart member of the Kebabs, he will be leading the drumming in the next winter band.

John Riseborough Builder/Joiner

John had a bit of shock at conference, when he was told his summer contract was a mistake and he was meant to be wintering.

Paul Torode Field Assistant

Toddy is on his second winter, but his first was at Halley. He has been happy to set foot on rock and get back to climbing.

Andy Silvester Plumber

Andy is on his third winter at Rothera. His last were 10 years ago, but he stepped in to save the day at conference, when the original chap did a Lord Lucan. Can often be heard muttering about dogs and such.

Cyril Millet Chef

Cyril is our French chef. Previously of the Savoy, most people are aiming to try not too gain much weight over the winter. An uphill struggle. A master with puddings and other unhealthy stuff.

Dougal Ranford Field Assistant

Dougal has been out to the Mars oasis over the summer, with most of the girls on base. An ex rocket scientist, his winter project will be rocket powered skidoos.

Rob Jarvis Field Assistant

Rob has been partying the summer away at Col Nunatak, and is looking forward to some laid back climbing over the winter.

Phil Harding Comms

Phil has been tearing up the airwaves on HF over the summer, and telling everybody off for swearing. A difficult man to pin down as he is constantly on the move.

Kat Snell Terrestrial biologist

Kat has been out at Mars Oasis over the summer with Dougal and the rest of the biology team.

Hamish Campbell Marine Biologist

Doc C is one of our star scientists and is in constant demand for telephone interviews, and also for international cooperation with his research. Often found working/fishing down on the wharf.

Graeme Nott Atmospheric Scientist

Professor Extreme can be found in the LIDAR hut, shooting down ET with his giant laser, when not snowboarding or ice climbing.

Andy Wilson Boatman

Andy boat, is so in love with his charges that he can often be found sleeping with in his room or still in the boatshed in wee hours.

Dan Smale Marine Assistant

Dan is the youngest base member, and hails from the city of dreams, as he likes to call Plymouth. He only packed at the last moment and brought 45 t-shirts and 3 boxers for 2½ years.

Andy Miller Marine Assistant

Andy is on his second winter and is looking forward to the visit of the LMG (ARSV Laurence M. Gould,US Ship).

Fin O’Sullivan Doctor

Yet to convince anybody that I am a real doctor, I have opted for the waste management role over the winter.

Andy Porte Electrician

Andy is on his second winter. Can’t write anything too bad as he is the website editor (Got my eye on you Fin – Ed).

Tim Burton Field Assistant

A difficult man to get a word against, as he never stops talking. Spent the summer breaking things at Sky Blu, and on the phone. Hoping to make millions with his photos when back in the real world.

Paul Booth Vehicle Mechanic

Paul has spent most of his summer at Sky Blu, fixing the stuff that Tim has broken. He only thought that he would be there for an afternoon, and managed 3 weeks.

Iain Airth Vehicle Mechanic

Iain is also on his second winter. An expert skier he is looking forward to the slopes in a few months time.

Anthony Brennan Generator Mechanic

Anto is our genny mech, and is fascinated by tractors. He loves engines of all sorts. As you can guess from the rugby jersey, it was St Patrick’s Day, and he let his hair down and had 3 cans of Guinness.

That’s every body on base, and from month to month we’ll have a bit more about who people are and what they’ve been up to.