May – Winter Arrives

30 May, 2003 Rothera

May at Rothera

May brought the true onset of winter with colder wilder weather and darker days. Snow finally started to settle permanently round the base. Towards the end of the month the sun dropped completely out of the sight of the base. Winter trips continued, but back on base life settled down into winter mode: breakfast in darkness, smoko (coffee break) in twilight and lunch in a rosy glow before the sun potters back down.

Personnel on base are getting to know each other. One month in and the stresses of living together in an isolated and harsh environment challenge us all in different ways but there always seems to be someone ready to listen, make you laugh, or just give you a shoulder to lean on.

The daily schedule of work from 9 through until 5 continues although many of us work beyond this to get the job done. Evening relaxation is more difficult with so little light but we continue to go out skiing and walks round the point are still very popular. However, the chippy shop, green room (music room) and dark room are becoming increasingly well used oh and Jon B has just started up Spanish lessons!

Richard Burt Field Assistant

Kirsty Brown Marine Biologist

This month’s diary contains: