May – Centurian Night

20 May, 2003 Rothera

Centurion Night!

Birthdays are a good excuse for a party. The official line, of course, is that we are boosting base moral. So, when it was Adam’s birthday, the youngest member on base, it was decided that a Centurion Evening was just the ticket. Preparation was intense hours spent in the chippie shop, garage or rooting around for something suitable. The best efforts included Jane (the Doc) donned in silver, wings flying from a hard hat, as Mercury, Chris (the Mech) making a sterling effort not only wearing body armour but also making a splendid entry, riding on board of his chariot! Weapons were abundant including beautifully crafted wooden (very safe) swords (Baz the Genny Mech), a couple of broad swords, axes, a claymore, etc., etc. of course, all of these were suitable for OH&S.

Once all were gathered we feasted upon a meal sumptuously produced by our ever-wondrous chef (Issy) and then the games commenced. The pole game proved the most popular. The aim is to knock your opponent off a suspended pole, with a pillow, while trying to maintain your own balance. There were some excellent battles and some excellent battlers! The expressions on faces told many a story that will no doubt be told again in the months to come.

Kirsty Brown

Marine Biologist