Kiting at Halley September 2004

30 September, 2004 Halley

With the landscape being flat at Halley Kiting gives skiers and snow boarders an extra dimension to their sport. The only other practical options would be ski jouring when the skier or snow boarder is towed behind a skidoo or cross-country skiing.

Steph has taken over the title as Halley’s extreme kiter from Shane Rodwell who was at Halley during last years summer season. Unlike Shane who used a snow board here at Halley Steph uses Skis. Steph has kept kiting almost the whole year with only a short break during the darkest days of winter.

Frank’s homemade kite had its maiden flight in September. Frank our Station Doctor Has been busy during those long winter hours of darkness by making his own Kite. A window of perfect flying weather occurred just after the kite was finally assembled.

Much to Frank’s amazement it flew perfectly on the first attempt to launch it.