King Edward Point Diary – March 2013

31 March, 2013 King Edward Point

As I’m sitting here in the middle of May staring blankly at a word count of two in this document, I am wondering where the weeks and months are slipping by to and also why I haven’t learnt my lesson by now after writing numerous diary entries over the years and made more of an effort about this time last month!So my apologies for the delay but KEP is a hive of activity these days.

So I have decided I would like to do something a bit different for this month, and not ramble and waffle on in my usual Irish fashion. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so for the March diary this year, it’s photos taken during March by many of the lucky few who spend some time here in this magical place we presently call home.

Surrounded by photos of the great Rodney Strachan, our fearless illustrious leader, always leading by example as you can see from these photos….

Some other visitors and highlights of the month

And so concludes the March diary…

Paula O’Sullivan

KEP Boating Officer