King Edward Point Diary – June 2002

30 June, 2002 King Edward Point

Midwinter celebrations

This month’s web page is mainly dedicated to our midwinter festivities held here over the week around midwinter’s day. There was a whole host of different activities including; cheesy bingo, a fancy dress pub-crawl with the theme “red”, a pub quiz, a treasure hunt, and the South Georgia Winter Olympics which was won by team South Georgia! The big day itself – the 21st – started with a fishing vessel in for inspection and her license, once this was dealt with it was on with the festivities. A dip in the sea followed very, very quickly by a sauna and mulled wine was first on the agenda, then all hands in the kitchen before eventually sitting down for an 8-course meal.

After this midwinter presents were exchanged and midwinter radio messages from folks back home on the BBC world service. Also this month we celebrated the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, which coincided nicely with Will Gilchrist’s, our outgoing boatman’s leaving party. As soon as the midwinter celebrations had finished Cumberland bay and King Edward cove turned into a busy fishing port with fishing boats coming in and out to trans-ship their catches, which has meant lots and lots of samples for our Science team.