King Edward Point Diary – February 2002

28 February, 2002 King Edward Point

Ships pay us a visit

The science manager, Mark Belchier, visited KEP during February to see how the science is progressing and to pass on some techniques to the science team. February was a good month for fishing, with catches of large marbled rock cod from the deep water trammel nets and fine weather which allowed fishing during most weeks.

The building work continued apace and it was an historical moment when the old medical center, Quigleys, was pulled down and the new center was opened in Larson House. This epitomises the synthesis of the ancient and modern that has overtaken King Edward Point.

The continued good weather has resulted in a host of weekend camping and walking trips. Many of the station residents, Morrisons builders and Tim and Pauline Carr have been involved in making the most of what is left of summer. Early season snow is more and more in evidence.

We were lucky enough to be visited by two royal naval ships, HMS Leeds Castle and HMS Montrose, and RFA Grey Rover. They brought mail, a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables and they offered places for base members to go on trips to other parts of the Island.

Wildlife at King Edward Point continues to flourish. The light mantled sooty albatross chicks continue to grow and get fluffier by the day.