June – Photo Comp.

30 June, 2003 Rothera

June 2003 – Midwinter

Midwinter Photo Competition

Photo competitions at Rothera have been traditional, as shown by the number of winning photos that are proudly hung around the dining room. This year, as I’m sure is the same every year, we have a number of budding photographers and consequently it seemed appropriate to continue the tradition. The categories were ‘people’, ‘landscape’ and ‘wildlife’. An additional category for an overall winner, from all categories, was to be the one hung in the dining room. The competition attracted some 25 photos that were displayed and voted for by the Rothera winterers over a week.

The results and the winning photos are shown below.

People Category

1st place: Iain Airth

2nd place: Kirsty Brown

3rd place: Kirsty Brown

Landscape Category

1st place: Andy Barker

2nd place: Kirsty Brown

3rd place: Neil Stevenson

Wildlife Category

1st place: Kirsty Brown – Snow Petrel

2nd place: Richard Burt – Blue Eyed Shags

3rd place: Jane Nash – Adélie penguins

Overall Winners

(the winners for this were also placed in the separate categories)

  • 1st – Kirsty Brown’s 2nd place in the ‘People’ category
  • 2nd – Richard Burt’s joint 2nd place in the ‘Wildlife’ category
  • 3rd – Neil Stevenson’s 3rd place in the ‘Landscape’ category