June – Midwinter

30 June, 2003 Rothera

June 2003 – Midwinter

The month of Midwinter had arrived. The three weeks prior to the big day, the sun completely vanished below the horizon and darkness reigned. But not inside Rothera base. Preparations were being made in all directions. Midwinter presents were being carefully crafted, carved, glued, lathed, welded and sawn. The cupboards were raided for food delights and the menu prepared for the great feast. We received cheerful greetings from stations all over Antarctica and those who remembered us from the sunny north.

Midwinter dawn didn’t arrive (as there was no sun stupid!!), but the day of feasting and celebration did. Issy, our chef, surpassed herself with culinary joys that were way beyond our expectations. Bellies full, we gathered around the radio to listen to the special BBC World Service Antarctic broadcast, followed by the exchange of our midwinter presents. So began a week of holiday….

The rest of the month has been inconspicuous in comparison although, as ever, science continues.

Richard Burt – Field Assistant

Kirsty Brown – Marine Biologist

This month’s diary contains: