James Clark Ross Arctic Cruise 2013 – JR288

22 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

The James Clark Ross is currently engaged on a month long science cruise,  designated JR288, to the Arctic.

Initially the ship is working to the east of Greenland, slowly heading further north,  and will then turn east towards Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen.

Our first encounter with ice was on Sunday 21st July, with clear sky,  sunshine and little wind.

The highlight of the afternoon was when a lone Polar Bear was spotted swimming not too far from the ship.

We were lucky to spend some time with this magnificent animal, and the view got much better when it climbed out onto a nearby ice-floe.

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) with cubs seen from the James Clark Ross.
Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) with cubs seen from the James Clark Ross.

Position Report for Entry

Latitude: 73° 6′ N
Longitude: 13° 6′ W
Cruise Number: JR288
Air Temperature: 2.0 °C
Sea Temperature: 2.4 °C
Pressure: 1012.12 hPa