JCR Arctic Update 29th July 2013

30 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

Monday proved to be an interesting day for us all on the JCR.

Just after mid-day a BAS Twin Otter aircraft did a fly past,  having taken off from Longyearbyen several hours earlier.  This aircraft is carrying a number of scientific sensors and the work is in co

njunction with that taking place on the ship.

The flight had been trying to visit since the Sunday but weather conditions did not allow it to get out to us then.  On Monday it managed to find us just a few miles out of a thick bank of fog and within an hour of their visit the ship was shrouded in the fog.  Perfect timing.

BAS Twin Otter coming into land at a remote field camp
BAS Twin Otter coming into land at a remote field camp

Three hours later,  whilst enjoy a cup of tea,  the cry ‘polar bear’ was heard.  This was the twelfth one sighted during the JR288 cruise.

Noon Position Report Monday, 29 July 2013

Latitude: 77° 26.1 N
Longitude: 005° 10.5 W
Bearing: 260 °T, 266 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 113
Total Distance Travelled: 2645
Steam Time: 9.0
Total Steam Time: 248.54
Average Speed: 12.5
Total Average Speed: 10.64
Wind: Direction SSE, Force 2
Sea State: Calm
Air Temp: 1 °C Sea Temp: 0.5 °C
Pressure: 1012.1 Tendency (3hrs): Steady

Thick fog through much of period.
V/l working through large patches of 4-7/10ths pack ice overnight, with occasional open pools.
Several icebergs encountered along transit