JCR Arctic Update 28th July 2013

30 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

Another busy day of sampling on board the James Clark Ross.

Noon Position Report for Sunday 28th July 2013

Latitude: 78° 53.1 N
Longitude: 007° 07.5 W
Bearing: 278 °T, 273 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 79
Total Distance Travelled: 2532
Steam Time: 6.88
Total Steam Time: 239.54
Average Speed: 11.48
Total Average Speed: 10.57
Wind: Direction NW, Force 1
Sea State: Calm
Air Temp: 0.8 °C Sea Temp: 0.3 °C
Pressure: 1010 Tendency (3hrs): Rising