JCR Arctic Update 27th July 2013

28 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

The highlight of the day for Friday was the sighting of a mother polar bear with two cubs on an ice-floe.  Alas weather conditions were poor for good photography but it was enjoyable to watch.

The James Clark Ross has been working on the very limit of the satellite footprint and so it is not possible to post any pictures with today’s update.

Latitude: 77° 57.4 N
Longitude: 007° 06.8 W
Bearing: 266 °T, 281 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 123
Total Distance Travelled: 2453
Steam Time: 13.15
Total Steam Time: 232.66
Average Speed: 9.35
Total Average Speed: 10.54
Wind: Direction S, Force 3
Sea State: Calm
Air Temp: 0.4 °C Sea Temp: 0.2 °C
Pressure: 1003.6 Tendency (3hrs): Steady