JCR Arctic Update 26th July 2013

27 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

 Most of Friday was spent amongst pack ice,  which at times made deployment of equipment interesting.

The weather continues to be good,  with light winds and clear skies.

Pack ice infront of the Brunt Ice Shelf
Pack ice infront of the Brunt Ice Shelf

As the James Clark Ross progresses further to the north,  we are seeing more pack ice,  which in turn means that the passage can be a bit bumpy.  Typically the ship is on station throughout the day and then steams overnight to the next science station,  to start work in the morning.  This can mean a bit of a bumpy night for all on board.

Pack ice in the Weddell sea
Pack ice in the Weddell sea

On Friday evening as the ship was heading further north two polar bears were spotted.

Noon Position Report Friday, 26 July 2013

Latitude: 76° 14.6 N
Longitude: 005° 23.8 W
Bearing: 246 °T, 302 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 160
Total Distance Travelled: 2330
Steam Time: 14.58
Total Steam Time: 219.51
Average Speed: 10.97
Total Average Speed: 10.61
Wind: Direction SW, Force 3
Sea State: Slight
Air Temp: 2.9 °C Sea Temp: 1.1 °C
Pressure: 1009.1 Tendency (3hrs): Steady

Occasional fog later in period.
V/l Moving easily in open water to slight sea.
V/l working through large patches of 3-7/10ths pack ice overnight for part of period.
Several icebergs encountered along transit.