JCR Arctic Update 25th July 2013

26 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

The JCR spent much of the day in sight of Greenland,  with a heat haze seen across the pack ice.

Not a great deal of wildlife in the past twenty four hours,  a few seals and birds but nothing overly exciting.

Noon Position Report Thursday, 25 July 2013

Latitude: 76° 30.9 N
Longitude: 015° 29.2 W
Bearing: 255 °T, 420 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 144
Total Distance Travelled: 2170
Steam Time: 14.42
Total Steam Time: 204.93
Average Speed: 9.99
Total Average Speed: 10.59
Wind: Direction SW, Force 4
Sea State: Calm
Air Temp: 2.8 °C Sea Temp: 2.7 °C
Pressure: 1012.7 Tendency (3hrs): Falling

Thick fog through most of period, lifting occasionally, clearing from 0700.
V/l Moving easily in open water to slight sea & low swell.
V/l working through 3-7/10ths pack ice overnight for part of period.