JCR Arctic Update 23rd July 2013

25 July, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

The science work being carried out on board the RRS James Clark Ross is very varied,  with underway air sampling,  CTD (Conductivity,  Temperature and Depth),  which includes collecting samples from various depths (as deep as 2,500m to as shallow as 10m).  Water that is collected is than filtered and sampled.  The scientists are also using a small radio controlled boat to sample the very top layer of water.

No more polar bear sightings since the last update but there have been sightings of hooded seals and an interesting looking skua.

The CTD is recovered to the JCR after another deep deployment to 4500 metres. Drake Passage.
The CTD is recovered to the JCR after another deep deployment to 4500 metres. Drake Passage.

Noon Position Report

Latitude: 75° 03.0 N
Longitude: 008° 46.6 W
Bearing: 240 °T, 387 Nm from Longyearbyen
Cruise Number: JR288
Distance Travelled: 147
Total Distance Travelled: 2026
Steam Time: 13.92
Total Steam Time: 190.51
Average Speed: 10.56
Total Average Speed: 10.63
Wind: Direction WSW, Force 2
Sea State: Slight
Air Temp: 4 °C Sea Temp: 4.4 °C
Pressure: 1019.4 Tendency (3hrs): Steady

Fog through most of period, lifting occasionally.
V/l Moving easily in open water to slight sea & low swell.
V/l working through 3-6/10ths pack ice overnight for part of period.