JCR Arctic Final Update

15 August, 2013 RRS James Clark Ross

This is the final update from the James Clark Ross from the JR288 Arctic cruise.

The science is now almost complete and the ship is on passage to Dundee,  from where the scientists and their equipment will be discharged.  From Dundee the ship will then proceed to Denmark for the annual refit,  before heading for Immingham towards the end of September to load the cargo for the 2013/14 Antarctic season.

Aerial view of the RRS James Clark Ross in the Bellingshausen Sea, west of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Aerial view of the RRS James Clark Ross in the Bellingshausen Sea, west of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Whilst on passage from the Arctic the ship was overflown by the Norwegian Coastguard and were asked to send some pictures,  which they kindly did.

Aerial view of the James Clark Ross
Aerial view of the James Clark Ross

Noon Position Report Thursday 15th August 2013

Latitude: 59° 29.7 N
Longitude: 000° 00.1 W
Bearing: 162 °T, 82 Nm from Muckle Flugga (Shetlands)
Course Made Good 193 °T
(1) Destination 1: Dundee
(1) ETA at 10.0 knots is 09:48 on 16 August 2013
(2) Destination 2: Dundee
(2) ETA at 9.0 knots is 12:14 on 16 August 2013
Distance Travelled: 227
Total Distance Travelled: 1188
Steam Time: 24
Total Steam Time: 119.42
Average Speed: 9.46
Total Average Speed: 9.95
Wind: Direction SE, Force 3
Sea State: Moderate
Air Temp: 15.3 °C Sea Temp: 14.4 °C
Pressure: 1007.7 Tendency (3 hrs): Falling