Halley Diary — September 2004

30 September, 2004 Halley

Life at Halley by Jeff Cohen

Having past the spring equinox on the 22nd of September the hours of daylight now exceeds the hours of darkness and the amount of daylight is increasing by 15 – 20 minutes each day. Soon it will not get dark at night and by the end of next month the sun will not set. This month has been a particularly windy with the wind rarely dropping below 10 – 20 Knots this included 3 major 30 – 45 Knot blows. Outside things start to get uncomfortable around 20 Knots also visibility and contrast will drop if there is blowing snow. The first 2 post winter trips have departed and returned.

Science at Halley

Halley is slowly gearing up for the return of the aircraft/ship and the coming summer season. In the next 2 months this should build up to a veritable frenzy of activity. Finishing off winter tasks, Preparing the Ski-way for the aeroplanes, getting the Drewry accommodation ready for the summer visitors the list goes on and on.

Working at Halley

September has been a quiet month with 4 people at a time being off station on their post winter trips. Since Ed our GA accompanies all the trips he finally managed enough time to celebrate his 30th birthday between sledge Hotel and sledge India.

Leisure at Halley