Bird Island Diary — July 2012

31 July, 2012 Bird Island

With the island looking very sparse in terms of animals the month began in the same usual way with the all island wandering albatross chick census, and I am pleased to report that there were only 2 failures despite several storms the previous month. July has also seen a drop in temperature and the odd morning we have been treated to pancake and grease ice in the bay. The Antarctic terns seem to love it as it brings them out in droves.

My role as the services technician means I take care of the general, electrical and mechanical works around base. This includes weekly refuelling, general repairs, generator maintenance and care of the water plant. The recent drop in temperature means that the dam, our regular source of water, is now frozen and water has to be pumped once or twice a week from a stream in North Valley some 40m away. A hole is made in the ice covering the stream and water is pumped through a hose pipe into the main tank.

The penguin and bird ZFA’s work has suddenly now become more lab based with Jen and Ruth analysing krill, otoliths and squid beaks. Jon continues walking the coastal lep round daily and my work is much the same year round; fixing everything broken by the scientists.

An exceptionally nice day proved the perfect opportunity for the Bird Island winter trip in which we downed tools and readjusted microscope-focused vision for a trip to the south side of the island. Our trip took us over the beaches of Main Bay, through the meadows of Dank Fen and eventually to Johnson Cove.

Later on in the day we were able to watch the Gentoo penguins return from their daily foraging trip. This is arguably the best spectacle on the island. We were also lucky enough to spot a lost chinstrap penguin, a rare visitor to the island.

The return leg of the trip took us over Top Meadows and we were able to see the sunset, normally obscured by the North Cliffs of the island, before commencing the brisk walk down North Valley back to base.

Towards the end of the month our winter base commander Ruth decided we should conduct part one of the Bird Island Search and Rescue Training. This involved familiarising ourselves with the field medical and rescue equipment.

The summer saw an unusual visitor to the island. The Bobcat is usually more suited to the warmer climes of North America but a lost individual was enticed here by the recent building works. Due to its inability to adapt the cold weather this particular visitor needs constant attention.

Rob Lord

Bird Island Facilities Technician