Apr – Visit

20 April, 2003 Rothera

Visit by the Almirante Iriza

On the 17th April, two days into winter, Rothera received a visit form the Argentinean icebreaker Almirante Iriza. Seventeen personnel came ashore in the Sea King helicopter: a mixture of outgoing personnel from San Martin, ships officers, crew and scientific personnel. All seventeen received a guided tour of the Rothera Base; this was reciprocated with fifteen BAS personnel flying onto the ship for a guided tour of vessel.

The visit lasted several hours and the guests on base got a good idea of the facilities at Rothera as well as tremendous views from the ops tower. Graeme Nott took a group of the scientists up to the LIDAR container for a presentation about the scientific programme he is currently working on. Meanwhile all fifteen BAS personnel enjoyed a guided tour of the ship, looking at the bridge, engine room, etc.

The visit was very successful indeed and strengthened links between Rothera and San Martin our closest neighbours in Antarctica. San Martin is just over fifty miles South of Rothera and each year the BAS twin otters deliver post to San Martin via airdrops with the twin otter aircraft.

Andy Barker – Winter Base Commander and Comms Manager