Also known as Reclus hut or Portal Point.
Position: Lat. 64° 30′ S, Long. 61° 46′ W
General location: Portal Point, Reclus Peninsula, Danco Coast.
Survey and geology.
13 Dec 1956 – 25 Apr 1958
Party from Danco Island (Station O) wintered there 1957 to continue local survey work. 4-man party, led by Wally Herbert, completed the first traverse from Hope Bay to Cape Reclus 9 Oct-30 Dec 1957.
Current status
Dismantled in Mar 1996 and transported to the Falkland Islands Museum, Stanley, Falkland Islands. (Erected as an exhibit Dec 1998, refurbished Nov 2007, re-built inside the new Museum 2014.) Only concrete foundations remain at Portal Point.
For full listing of all station histories, see History of British stations and refuges.