(Known as Loubet Coast until Jun 1959)
Position: Lat. 66° 52′ S, Long. 66° 48′ W
General location: Detaille Island, Lallemand Fjord, Loubet Coast
Survey, geology and meteorology.
21 Feb 1956 – 31 Mar 1959.
Evacuated when sea ice and weather made relief by ship impossible. Personnel closed the station and transferred to Horseshoe Island (Station Y).
Current status
Closed. Site cleaned up by BAS 1996/97, 2002/03 and 2003/04 seasons. Inspected for BAS by a conservation architect in Jan 2007. Designated as Historic Site No. 83 under the Antarctic Treaty, 2009. It has been managed by UKAHT since Oct 2009 under a Memorandum of Understanding with BAS.
Associated refuge
For full listing of all station histories, see History of British stations and refuges.